Dear Reader,
I decided once and a while, while writing my column, I should go live. Just give it to you--first draft. No editing, no worrying every word made sense, and that it all wrapped up in the end in a tidy nice "Dear Reader" piece. Instead I'd just jot down my thoughts, send it to you and you'd have to muddle through. ( I am correcting my spelling--I figure that at least I need to give you a fighting chance.)
In case you haven't caught on by now. I'm just writing to you this morning--no editing or changes. You want to know the really weird stuff that floated through my mind, my guest this a.m.
I like to do it my way. I admit it. I'm not saying that I'm always right--though I do frequently have to remind myself of this concept. Maybe it comes from being an only child, or hey, maybe I just am pretty smart? I’m my own boss and I have the final say. Of course, whenever something gets screwed up--whether I did it or someone else involved in the process goofed, ultimately it's my problem. So I guess if one thinks the freedom to do it "my way" looks appealing then be prepared to do it 'your' way when you're cleaning up someone else's mess, too.
When I start writing down confessions I have to work very, very hard not to start editing myself because I'm always concerned in the back of my mind, 'What will people think of me? What will this look like in print?'
It's really risky business telling hundreds of thousands of people, about your personal shortcomings but I figure that everyone has some. So either you are right now at this very minute thinking, 'Well, I'm not as bad as Suzanne is.' Or, you're thinking, 'Thank heavens I'm not the only one who has that problem and I've just made you feel a whole lot better about yourself." --you're welcome.
Lately I've experienced a new working situation. I've had to work with other people. People who edit what I say or to be specific, what I write. My writing has always been my writing. Little musings that pop into my head and just have to come out. It's not important that anyone read them. I just have to get them out. I have an editor but let's face it when you're writing a daily column like I am, I only have so much time that I can devote to anyone day so it's kind of written, "quick and dirty" as we used to say in the typesetting business. Quick and dirty meaning that a body doesn't have the luxury to linger over words and phrases and write and rewrite. Sometimes you've just got to go with what is before you even if I know that if I spent a couple more hours with it or let a day go by and look at it again that it could be so much better.
I think my rose bush near the front of the house is going to bloom today.
Well, I better stop writing. I only have so much space.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Live from my desk....
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]