Dear Reader,
My monarch caterpillars and butterflies inspired book club readers. If you missed the photos, click here.
"Suzanne, I ordered a few milkweed plants, and I was wondering, do they propagate? This is all new to me, but I love the thought of watching butterflies go through their stages. I just wanted to know if I need a big area for the milkweed so they can re-seed?" -- Robin W.
(Suzanne replies:) You can propagate milkweed from cuttings, but I have never done it. I buy milkweed at the local nursery, here in Florida. Make sure when you buy milkweed, to ask if it has been sprayed. Because if it's been sprayed with chemicals while growing, to keep the bugs away, the chemical will kill the caterpillars. I always plant at least four milkweed plants together, because when a caterpillar starts eating, it's amazing how quickly it strips the leaves off the plant. Good thing the caterpillars are willing to eat the stems, too. When the milkweed is stripped, and there aren't any more caterpillars on the plant, you can cut the stems back about 7 inches and they will regrow.
The butterflies in my garden especially love penta and zinnia plants, too. Penta plants come in numerous colors. They're easy to grow and when they start looking stringy you can cut them back and they will regrow. Have fun!
"Dear Suzanne, your story about your monarch butterfly nursery brought back a memory I haven't thought about in many years. Twenty years ago, we were standing outside our condo in Stratford, CT, which was situated on the convergence of the Housatonic River and Long Island Sound. It was the beginning of fall and we were enjoying the cooler weather. Within a few minutes, we saw hundreds (thousands?) of monarch butterflies coming toward us from Long Island Sound, heading toward New York.They passed above us and around us until we had to sit on the ground in amazement at what we were witnessing. Thank you for sharing your story, and helping to bring back a wonderful memory. Your nursery is beautiful, and it makes me like you just that much more! Best wishes to you and your 'babies.'"-- Jenifer G.
"How lucky and cool this is and that you have it right in your own backyard. Just beautiful, thanks for sharing." -- Regards, Eileen M.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
This month's Penguin Classics book is The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway. I have a copy of the book to share with a lucky reader, so start reading and enter for your chance to win.