Dear Reader,
Today I'm sharing the final Honorable Mention piece from the 2021 Write a DearReader Contest, written by Alice Sarnowski. It truly was a privilege to read all of the entries, whether they were chosen as winners or not. Keep writing, the 2022 Write a DearReader Contest launches this August.
Thank you so much Alice for sharing your story with us.
I grew up in a wonderland of forest and farm animals, but I dreamed of great adventures and travels. I incorporated into my life scenes from Bewitched with "Samantha," jetting around the world with The Flying Nun and being side-by-side with my glamorous Aunt Helen. I made my family sit through numerous plays as I acted out wild tales. All three characters had top billing, but my aunt's scenes were based on word of mouth stories I had heard and witnessed over many years.
My aunt grew up during the depression and those stories seem surreal in this time frame. Shoes were only worn in the snow, to school and church. There was always a race in the summer as to who could toughen up the bottom of their feet the fastest for the numerous softball games and hiking trips. Swimming was in the salt quarry and everyone in the family was picked up in the dark at 4 a.m. by the local farmer to pick onions in the early morning hours before the heat became oppressive.
Mattresses were made of straw, running water from the outdoor pump had to be carried inside and all food was grown and preserved. There was only a phone at the general store and the highlight of the day would be when the iceman delivered shaved ice to the neighborhood children and the wagon would be followed by a group of animated kids as I acted out the Pied Piper and his followers.
Another play I acted out was with the prop of the flying nun. My beautiful aunt caught the eye of a dashing race car driver. I would act out a scene of hanging onto the cape of the nun and we would soar over the race car drivers giving a current of air so my uncle would win all the races. My aunt and uncle became friends of another racer by the name of Paul Newman. When my uncle quit the racing circuit to raise his children, he kept a P.O. Box number so his correspondence with Paul would be confidential from the prying eyes and ears of the town. He never breathed a word of what was in the letters and destroyed them so he would not betray his famous friend.
My aunt and uncle were fans of camping and traversed over all of the United States, Mexico and many Caribbean islands. From postcards and stories I would act out their adventures of scuba diving, deep sea fishing and hot air balloon excursions. I would always do research about where they went so my props would be appropriate to the area they visited for my plays. I would employ the tricks of my beloved Samantha and with her help and the twinkle of her nose she would transport me to their campsite so I was a first hand witness. My poor puppy Roscoe had to wear extra whiskers to play the bewitched Samantha who sent me on my adventures.
Every once in a while I would be asked to accompany this exciting band of travelers as a guest. I kept pinching myself that this wasn't make believe. Once on a camping trip to Door County Wisconsin we witnessed the Northern lights. The ground got a shower of my enchanted tears as I could not believe this magic happened in real life, more than I could have imagined.
My aunt in her 90's is as spry and adventuresome as ever and always has a toothbrush and bag packed for the next adventure. Helen still jets around the world and always has a smile and her illuminating personality draws others into her sphere of excitement. I still have dreams of adventures with my three leading ladies--the witch, the aunt and the nun.
-- Alice Sarnowski
Honorable Mention, 2021 Write a DearReader Contest
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
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This month's Penguin Classics book is The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway. I have a copy of the book to share with a lucky reader, so start reading and enter for your chance to win.