Dear Reader,
Monday's Grandma Hale/New Shoes column brought a lot of mail from readers. If you're still searching for a topic to write about for this year's Write a DearReader Contest, write a story about your grandparents or someone who is dear to your heart.
Thanks so much for writing. I really enjoy hearing from readers...
"Hi Suzanne, I loved your story about your grandma--she sounds like she was a special woman and what great memories! The story was special to me because my son (who is 19 years old now) would come home with new shoes when he went to his Grandma's as well. Not every time, but many times--especially right before school started. They had a special local shoe store they would go to together, just like you and your grandmother. He would get his feet measured to get just the right shoe and always got a shoehorn so he could be just like his Papa. His grandma still often asks him if he needs money for new shoes. Thank you for sharing!" -- Rashel W.
“Hi Suzanne, I just loved this morning's column and the photos of you and your Grandma. The photos and the column reminded me of my Grandma and the many years ago when I spent time with my grandparents. I, too, was the first grandchild for a number of years and Grandma and I had wonderful times together in the garden, baking, shopping and having fun together. Aaaaaah! The good, old days!" Sincere best, -- Beverly
"Hi, Love your 'baby carriage.' Whenever I look at oldie photographs I can't get over how old my grandmother and other grandmothers at the time looked. So much older than 60-year-old grandmothers nowadays." -- Noreen B.
“Suzanne, I enjoyed reading about your Grandma Hale. You were lucky to have living grandparents. The pictures were so nice. Thanks for sharing them." -- Best regards, Dorothy P.
Be sure to enter my giveaways. Someone always wins, and next time, it could be you!
* Congratulations to the winners of the September No-Cookie Giveaway: Samantha P., Christine H., and Joanne F.
* Congratulations to the winners of Shh! Baby Jesus Is Sleeping by Guest Author Lisa T. Bergren: Annie W., Sandy L., Kathryn D., and Betty A.
* Congratulations to the winners of The Artist Colony by Guest Author Joanna FitzPatrick: Mary D., Angie G., Paulette B., Joanne H. and David F.
To enter this year's Write a DearReader Contest, click here.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
AUTHORBUZZ: Discover new books, "meet" the authors and enter to win.
This month's Penguin Classics book is THE TALE OF PRINCESS FATIMA, WARRIOR WOMAN: The Arabic Epic of Dhat al-Himma, translated and edited by Melanie Magidow. I have a copy of the book to share with a lucky reader, so start reading and enter for your chance to win.