Dear Reader,
When I'm writing a column it can go in two different directions: the truth or what I wished the truth was. Writing about what I wished the truth was--is the toughest thing for me to do. I can change the ending if I need to; finesse the story so it feels better than what really happened, so I no longer need to feel embarrassed for the people in it. Or I can write a story through the innocent eyes of a little girl, who's pretending, but still--I know the truth.
My story may be part fairy tale, but fairy tales have their place. When I make-believe so hard 'til I really believe, those stories can give me hope, replacing unwanted memories with a rewrite of how I wished things would have been.
Writing the truth is easy when everyone is happy by "The End." It makes a wonderful story. But some stories in my life, oh how I wish someone would have written them differently a long time ago, and not left it up to me. Because writing about what I wished the truth was--is the toughest thing for me to do.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
* Start thinking about what you'd like to write about (fiction or nonfiction), and get ready to enter this year's annual Write a DearReader Contest. The launch date is August 24th.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
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