Dear Reader,
I think we all need a little "funny" every day right now--I know I sure do. So I want to thank Carol B., from Iowa, for her response to last Wednesday's column about toilet paper...
"Suzanne, I loved your column and questions about toilet paper! It's a topic I've been thinking about myself, and recently included in a piece I wrote about our family's guidelines for our monthly Memoirs group. I've excerpted a paragraph that provides guidance on "how much" to use. <smile>
Some stores have limited the amount of toilet paper a customer may buy, a form of rationing. Strangely enough, our family had its own form of rationing toilet paper when I grew up. My parents didn't call it that, but in keeping with the family philosophy of conservation of and stretching resources, I was instructed to use three--and three only--squares of toilet paper per wipe. That was enough to keep your hand dry and do the job. My mother pooh-poohed those who tugged at the roll and mummified their hand with paper. 'Wasteful," she said, and "it can plug your plumbing.'
It was understood, though, that you had to start with quality paper, a 2-ply Scott brand was our family's choice. Similar stipulations were in place for using paper towels in public restrooms...only one towel. That was enough. My parents' instructions stuck. Without revealing too much personal information, let's just say that today I feel rather extravagant when I exceed the limit." -- Carol B., Burlington, Iowa
(Suzanne replies:) What a great email. Thanks so much for writing. If the toilet paper shelves in my grocery store weren't still bare, by golly Carol, I'd send you your very own six pack of TP and you could go a little crazy!
Besides counting squares of TP, I'd love to know how you're spending your extra "at home" time?
Are there any new projects you've tackled? My new challenge is to finally figure out how to match the bottoms and tops of the 20 plastic storage containers in my cupboard. (It really shouldn't be this hard.) My idea is to get out the magic markers and color coordinate--a red dot on the bottom, a red dot on the lid and they are a match. And move on to a different color. Wish me luck.
If you're working from home, how's it going? Any funny stories?
What (or who) is driving you nuts?
Are you homeschooling your children/grandchildren?
How are you staying connected to friends?
Are you using technology in a different way than you have before? How's it going?
And if you've been so fortunate--what has made you smile?
I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
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