Dear Reader,
This past Wednesday I wrote about a woman I interviewed who found herself grieving at the same time, for three people she loved. It was a whirlwind of death that left her stopping and starting a process that seemed to have no clear beginning or end. So she labeled three shoe boxes, one for each of her relatives that had recently passed on, put the boxes on a shelf, and took them down one at a time.
Carolyn, a reader at the book club, sent me an email cleverly giving the process a name...
"Hi Suzanne,
Shoeboxing... What a wonderful idea!
Visually and physically compartmentalizing grief, sadness, challenging struggles....all very therapeutic. Many would journal, but not a strong point for this lady. Shoeboxing would lend itself to a specifically focused issue. A capsule to deposit photos and collect memorable thoughts, in jot note brevity for oneself, creating an avenue to process. Simply comforting. Thanks for sharing." -- Carolyn D.
Shoeboxing--what a clever, easy to remember tool. It's perfect for me, because I tend to stack worries and problems thinking about them one after another in a loop that never ends. Round and round in my mind all day long, It's overwhelming and just makes my situation worse. But shoeboxing would interrupt the "loop" for me.
Thanks for writing Carolyn and thanks for reading with me every day. It's so good to know I'm reading with a friend like you.
Warmest regards,
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
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JOURNEY (Fantasy) by Andrew Zimmerman
Paul, a driven, highly successful and increasingly disenchanted executive, struggles to reconcile the digital world of his unrelenting career, the material world of his tony Central Park existence, and the spiritual world opening up to him.
He visits Glastonbury, England, a mecca for would-be witches, goddesses, druids, where he meets Christine, a beautiful soul reader. When he returns to New York, his wife, Mary, is skeptical. Is Paul having a spiritual awakening or is he falling for a beautiful charlatan?
Go to: click on JOURNEY to read more and to email author Andrew Zimmerman, you'll get a reply.