AUTHORBUZZ: Click here to discover new books,
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Dear Reader,
Get ready to hoot and holler, we're gonna have an online party! Join me in celebrating National Library Week (April 8-14) at the book club. This year librarians have chosen the theme, Libraries Lead. In honor of National Library Week, I'm giving away library inspired gifts, and of course free books.
As part of our National Library Week celebration, I'd like to share your memories about how your library, and the librarians who work there, have made a difference in your life. When did you start using the library? Did your parents take you to the library when you were a child? What's your favorite thing about the library in your city? Or maybe you're a librarian--what do you love about your job? Or share a favorite memory of working with a patron.
Please send an email and share your stories. I'll be sharing readers' emails during National Library Week. This is a fun opportunity to join in the celebration. And of course, a party needs gifts. When you send me your thoughts about libraries, I'll put your name in a drawing. One reader will win an adorable When in Doubt Go to the Library tote bag, and other readers will win free books.
We're gonna have a party!
Email me at: [email protected] and put LIBRARIES LEAD on the subject line.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
NO RESERVATIONS (Fiction) by Kristen Proby
I knew, the minute I met Chase in Blush for Me that he needed his own hot love story! Chase is the kind of guy that makes most of us grin. He's charming, sexy, and almost cavalier about his attractiveness. We can't help but love him, and he knows it. Well, everyone but Maura, that is. He's met his match in this independent, alluring woman. I can't wait for you to see how their story unfolds!
Go to: AUTHORBUZZ click on NO RESERVATIONS to read more and to email author Kristen Proby, you'll get a reply.
* This month's Penguin Classics book is PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK, by Joan Lindsay. Start reading now and enter the drawing for your chance to win a Penguin tote bag.