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Dear Reader,
"Step back and think about it." It's my new self-help therapy program. If you see me in a store standing in front of a skirt display and suddenly I take a giant step backwards and "freeze" in a statue-position while starring at the skirts, no, I haven't lost my mind and I'm not trying to remember how to two-step. I'm working on changing the way I make decisions. Would I be happier with the yellow skirt or the pink one? Should I sign up to volunteer? Should I spend the day working in my flower gardens, or would it bring me more joy if I sat on the porch and read a book?
Decisions, decisions. But more importantly, which one will bring me the most joy? You'd think it wouldn't be so hard to decide, but I don't seem to be in control anymore. Instead of taking a minute to think about the choices I make, I've been allowing my brain to switch to autopilot and make the decisions for me. "Well, this is the choice she's made in the past, so we'll just plow ahead and do what she's always done, even if it's not going to make her happy."
Bad habits are hard to break, and I've decided the only way to break this one, is to take a giant step backwards. No going forward on a decision until I've stepped back and really thought about what will make me happy. It works, but granted it makes people wonder. "Look at that weird woman. She's backing away from the skirts like she's afraid of them. Now look, she's just standing there staring at the skirts."
I'm a weird one all right, but at least I'm happy.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
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