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Dear Reader,
On May 15, 1994 my son, Brian, wrote a poem thanking me for giving him a gift. Here are just a few lines from his poem:
"You worked to teach me a gift, you gave me remembrance after I die.
For all who read my writings will remember me and my gift will live on.
It will be passed to generation after generation. Until there is no one to remember."
Brian's poem is framed and hangs on my wall.
This past Mother's Day my daughter, Samantha, sent this to me. Soon it will be framed and hanging on the wall, too. I am so blessed.
"Good Morning to my Miraculous Mother!
I am truly lucky and incredibly blessed for what you have given me.
You are a remarkable brilliant woman! You've always inspired me with all the amazing things you've done and experienced. Watching you, I've learned I can go for anything I desire fearlessly, without the terror of failure and criticism.
You single-handedly broke the ugly generational cycle of underlying family bitterness and resentment. You've broken the, "You're either in-or-out" surface love, based on conditions.
You gave me wide open spaces to soar, or fall without judgements. This family practices supporting one another with unconditional love--without censure. An open arena to be yourself without the fear being denounced.
You are a true giver! It seems you're always looking for someone to bless, without expectation of anything in return. That's an anomaly in this self-centered world. I have no idea where you learned that, but you modeled it for me perfectly. You've definitely instilled within me the joy of being a giver.
We girls (me-you-Bailey) have strength and tenacity naturally running through our veins. I'm sure you would have thrived alone...Oh but Dad!! Oh but for Dad! That was a perfectly amazing pick Mom. :) Without a doubt, he opened up many doors for us. I believe without his influence, this family wouldn't have had the opportunities to flourish, and become our best selves.
My doctor was asking about medical family history. Without hesitation, I went to pick up the phone to question Dad. It didn't even occur to me we were not blood related. He took me in like his own--that's a man of true honor and integrity. I shudder to think of what our life may have been like without Dad's influence, guidance, and inspiration.
It's sad you didn't feel safe, or accepted growing up. I'm sure glad you managed to pass on what you longed for, but didn't get yourself.
Well done Mom, well done.
In loving gratitude for both of you this Mother's Day, and every single day."
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
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