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Dear Reader,
It's a real pleasure to hear from readers. Thanks for taking the time to write. Reading your emails makes my day. If your email is featured in my column today, email your mailing address and I'll send you a free book.
From my Email Bag:
A recent column about e-readers verses a traditional books generated tons of mail. The original column is at:
"I had to chuckle when you asked if boys still walked girls home from school and if so, would they ask to carry the girl's e-reader. I could picture a boy asking the girl and then taking it and running away with it! Boys will be boys. Enjoy reading thru your emails each day and hearing about new books to read. Keep on charming us."--Anne
"For travel and portability you can't beat the reader. It saves me money in luggage fees. But I'd never prefer a reader over a book at any other time. It's similar to the loss of card files in the library. You could flip through and find all sorts of possibilities you didn't know were there. Now, if you don't know what you're looking for you won't find it by chance. The computer files are easy to update, but we lost a real treasure when the card file was retired."--Julianne
"I find this topic fascinating. As a blind person who has recently bought an iPod touch, I appreciate the vast array of eBooks which I can just download and read without having to scan them in. As much as I miss scanning, it is nice to know there are so many worry free eBooks to just enjoy."--Julia
"I love to read and have invested in an Amazon Kindle (and was given a Nook by my mom, who decided she preferred physical books). I thought that I would end up buying fewer books and thus reduce my book expenses (not to mention, my library space). However, I discovered that I use the Kindle and Nook to explore 'new' territory and authors that I would not normally buy and then end up buying copies of the books I love. Reading via an electronic format certainly is a convenient and often times a less expensive experience but it cannot match the rich all-senses experience of reading the actual book; the touch, the smell of paper and ink, the heft of the book all enhance the reading experience for me."
--Kind regards, Kim J.
*And from last Thursday's column:
"Thank you for this today, it was one of those wish I could fix it all for those I love days and nothing went right days....I needed to hear maybe I'm just not supposed to fix it and maybe it will fix itself eventually. My problem is I'm not a patient person and I can get sucked into thinking it's all bad when just a little is bad. But anyway, thank you for reminding me to breathe....Hope you have a great day."--Emily
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
* This month's Penguin Classics book is THE PURPLE CLOUD by M. P. Shiel. Start reading now and enter to win a Penguin totebag. Go to:
AUTHORBUZZ: SIGHT READING (Fiction) by Daphne Kalotay
My passion for the arts has led me to the world of professional musicians. Diving into matters of the heart, Sight Reading explores the sources of creativity, the fluidity of marriage, friendship and love--and the secrets we keep, even from ourselves.
Go to: click on SIGHT READING to find out more about the book and the author, Daphne Kalotay. Send her an email, she'd love to hear from you.