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Muffins and Mayhem, Recipes for a Happy (if disorderly) Life
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Dear Reader,
A few bookclub housekeeping reminders today:
1. Keep the book club fun. Read guilt-free. If a book isn't a good match for you, simply hit the delete key. Every Monday I feature a new title.
2. If you have a comment, book suggestion, or need assistance, send me an email. I always appreciate feedback from readers, so email anytime.
3. If you're looking for a recipe that you saw at the book club, visit to see all my recipes and even recipes from readers.
4. Remember, if you miss receiving one of your daily reads--or want to find one from a previous week--you can email me. I'm always happy to send the missing read to you. Or, when you click on the HTML option in your daily read, not only will you see a colorful bookjacket, author info, and AuthorBuzz, you'll find every day's read.
Congratulations to the winners of Frances Park and Ginger Park's lovely book, CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE: Ellie Berger, Dinah Kretschmer, Jan Vesall, Connie Blocher, and Dorie Furman. Frances and Ginger were so touched by Dawn Howdyshell's email which ran in my column last week, that they are sending her a book as well. In case you missed Dawn's email:
"Hi Suzanne, my office was located right around the corner from Chocolate Chocolate. Those two sisters are the nicest two people ever, and the goodies in that store are out of this world. I know I gained a few pounds on the chocolate gummy bears and truffles. Our building has been replaced, and Chocolate Chocolate has moved, but if I'm in the mood for chocolate there is only one place in D.C. that will curb that craving and the eight blocks it takes me to get there is worth every calorie. I can't wait to read their book." --Fondly, Dawn
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
Naturopathic doctor Willow McQuade, ND, takes a summer break to visit her aunt Claire, owner of Nature's Way Market and Cafe, in an idyllic seaside town. But her serenity is soon shattered when Willow finds Claire's lifeless body on the market floor and a bottle of Mimulus, a flower essence, lying nearby. Willow turns to Jackson Spade, a hunky ex-cop and together the two set about solving the case the natural way--through a combination of hard work, common sense, and a dose of luck.
Go to: click on DEATH DROPS to read more and to email author Chrystle Fiedler, you'll get a reply.
I came lately to your website and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my initial comment. Keep writing, cause your posts are impressive! Doesn't it take up a lot of time to keep your blog so fascinating???
Posted by: Megan Fox | April 05, 2012 at 02:52 AM