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Muffins and Mayhem, Recipes for a Happy (if disorderly) Life
AUTHORBUZZ: Discover new books, "meet" the authors and enter to win: Goto:
Dear Reader,
I write my daily column to share with you, today Mary Ellen wrote a "column" and shared it with me.
"Suzanne, after reading Monday's column, when you spoke about your new tradition of inviting your dinner guests to bring food, I thought about our church potluck dinners.
Most weeks, a group of us make the meal. There are four groups, one for each week of the month. My group has the third week. I usually am in charge of dessert for 100 people. I often make cookies, as they stretch nicely and there are never leftovers to take home. But some months have five Sundays. When that happens, we do an all-out potluck. Everyone is encouraged to contribute. Those meals are the best and the most fun. A little of everything and new tastes for everyone.
My church is a combination of traditional American, and Filipino worshipers. We are all family--in the best sense of that word. The combination brings out the best in both cultures. I have tasted soup with lemon grass and ginger, and dates rolled in olive leaves. Our Filipino worshipers do something to chicken that is amazing. The glaze is sweet and tart all at the same time. And they in return have been treated to chili, Mom's apple cranberry pie and sweet tea. We all have a blast those Sundays and the conversations seem to flow even easier.
Sharing recipes and our lives seems to happen a lot at gatherings, whether it is in the church hall, or on the Internet--at the book club.
I love reading with you here. I've already picked up a book from the AuthorBuzz site. Eddie The Kid by Steve Forman. I have increased my books many times by reading a portion, or seeing a book on that site. Thanks for sharing and for giving us all that opportunity." --Mary Ellen
Congratulations to the winners of DEBBIE MACOMBER'S CHRISTMAS COOKBOOK: Pat Cameron, Pat Headlund, Martha Troxel, Karen Mayers and Kathy Fiscus. The winners of last Tuesday's book giveaway are: Jean Marie Rehanek, Julie Rogers, D K Baxter, Frank Donati and Charlee Hutton.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
* This month's Penguin Classics book is PATHS OF GLORY by Humphrey Cobb. Start reading now and enter to win a Penguin totebag. Go to:
AUTHORBUZZ: Meet author Paul Grossman...
It's the last days of the Weimar Republic. Beautiful girls are disappearing...sleepwalking through the streets of Berlin. Willi Kraus may be the most famous detective in Germany--but he's a Jew. And the Nazis are on the rise. He's seen some awful things in life. Fought behind enemy lines. Captured serial killers. But his forays into the upper echelons of the Nazi Party lead to discoveries that shock even him.
Go to: Click on THE SLEEPWALKERS to read more. Author Paul Grossman would love to hear from you.