Now on sale . . . Muffins & Mayhem: Recipes for a Happy (if Disorderly) Life by Suzanne Beecher, and when you purchase it, request a free autographed bookplate, by visiting:
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Dear Reader,
Book club reader Joanne Azevedo doesn't have trouble keeping a gift a secret. In fact, the best gift she's ever received--after four years--she still hasn't opened it!
"Dear Suzanne, as I read about your inability to keep a gift secret, it reminded me of the best gift I ever received. My dear friend gave me a 'rainy day' present. When I visited one day, she gave me a wrapped present and said, 'This is a rainy day present. When you are having a particularly bad day, open it and remember that someone loves you.'
That was the most wonderful present! It has sat on my bureau for four years now. When I have a bad day I look at the present and say, 'Is this REALLY a bad day? Things could actually be a lot worse.' So I have yet to open the present and it sits there on my bureau, reminding me whenever I think I am at my lowest point that I am loved, and what had been a 'bad day' is actually just a bump in the road.
It doesn't matter what is actually in the box--just the fact that it is filled with love is enough to keep the 'bad days' away. Thank you for sharing your life with us and for all you do. Have a blessed day!"
Your friend in literature,
Joanne Azevedo
Thanks for writing Joanne, and for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Warmest regards,
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
P.S. There's still time for me to autograph a bookplate if you're giving Muffins and Mayhem: Recipes for a Happy (if disorderly) Life as a holiday gift. Or if you'd like a signed bookplate for your own copy, I'm ready to send you one. Thank you so very much for sharing my book with others this holiday season. To request an autographed bookplate, go to: