Now on sale . . .Muffins & Mayhem: Recipes for a Happy (if Disorderly) Life by Suzanne Beecher, and when you purchase it, request a free autographed bookplate, by visiting:
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Dear Reader,
This one's too big, this one's too small, this one's just right, so I want my Uncle Jim to "move over and make room for me." It could have been the makings of a children's book. The storyline: my husband's brother (Uncle Jim) comes to visit, three-year-old grandson Paul loves it that Uncle Jim is visiting, but Paul is not thrilled that Uncle Jim is sleeping in the bed that Paul sleeps in when he stays overnight with Grandma and Grandpa. There was a little territorial jealousy going on in my guest room this past Thanksgiving.
What goes through a three-year-old's mind? I don't know about most three-year-olds, but my grandson Paul decided that Uncle Jim may be sleeping in Grandma's guest bed, and Uncle Jim's clothes may be hanging in Grandma's guest bedroom closet, and Uncle Jim's toothbrush may be on the sink in the guest bathroom, but it's still Paul's room at Grandma's house. And to seal the deal, Paul crawled into the guest bed and slid under the quilt (that I'd made for Uncle Jim), but not before he brushed his teeth with Uncle Jim's toothbrush. It was hilarious.
Making sure that no one was taking his place, Paul, who normally reserves "I love you Grandma" only for when he's moved in his heart to share those sentiments, sprinkled "I love you Grandma" into several conversations over the holiday.
This one's too big, this one's too small, but I assured him, "Paul, you'll always be just right for Grandma."
To see Jim's quilt, and to request an autographed bookplate if you're giving my book as a gift, go to:
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Warmest regards,
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
KIDSBUZZ: Just in time for the holidays, books for you and your family! Email an author, sign up for their giveaway and learn about great titles for kids of all ages from: Cynthia Leitich Smith/HOLLER LOUDLY and Guido van Genechten/NO GHOST UNDER MY BED. For a chance to win free books and more, see