Now on sale . . . Muffins & Mayhem: Recipes for a Happy (if Disorderly) Life by Suzanne Beecher, and when you purchase it, request a free autographed bookplate, by visiting:
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Dear Reader,
Good news, the contractor who is repairing our son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons' home--the house that caught fire September 26th--says it will be finished some time next week! Amazing! But not surprising, because the team of workers at the house were emotionally invested in getting a family back into their home as quickly as possible. When you invest your heart in a project miracles happen, and the journey along the way is filled with joy.
My heart gets a daily dose of joy when I'm reading your emails. Thank you for taking the time to write, to share your thoughts, ideas, or a story from your own life.
From my Email Bag:
"I read your column about hula hoops ( with some amusement. I work at a Dollar Store where we sell hula hoops all summer. When someone of a certain age wants to buy a hula hoop, with a straight face, I tell them they will have to demonstrate they can use it. This leads to various reactions. Most people get a good laugh and make excuses, but sometimes the customer will demonstrate her abilities. We all have a good laugh and share memories of our childhood. One lady thanked me for making her laugh for the first time since her husband died. She said he was probably laughing at her from heaven. Thanks for making me remember that a long shift waiting on people can turn into something special for someone."--Marilott
"Hi Suzanne, I read your column last week about all the cool stuff you've found for your children and grandchildren for when their house is ready to move back into. It made me think about the stories your grandsons might tell many years in the future.
'When we were little our house caught on fire and was damaged, and we had to live somewhere else while it was rebuilt. We lost lots of our stuff in the fire and it all had to be replaced. We started out staying with my grandparents right after the fire. As luck would have it one of my grandmother's online book club readers had an empty furnished house we could stay in until we were ready to move back home. Lots of other readers sent us toys and clothes and gift cards so we could have what we needed. Then my grandparents started the challenge of replacing our furniture. They checked yard sales and online sites for good deals, and every morning they would hook up the trailer and head off to find us things we needed. They found us this great bed shaped like a bright yellow car, and red bookcases from a furniture store. I remember how full their house was until we moved in: by the end you almost needed a map to get from point A to point B. I think they had fun helping us and I know we really appreciated it.'
I am sure their stories will be much more detailed, but I couldn't help thinking about what they might tell friends in the coming years. Best Wishes."--Jenn D.
If you requested an autographed bookplate and letter, please let me know if I made a mistake, and I'll get a corrected one out to you right away. To request an autographed bookplate for my book Muffins and Mayhem go to:
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
KIDSBUZZ: Ready for Halloween? We've got a treat for you (be sure to leave the lights on!): FEAR: 13 STORIES OF HORROR AND SUSPENSE by R. L. Stine and other International Thriller Writers. For a chance to win free books and more, see