Now on sale . . . Muffins & Mayhem: Recipes for a Happy (if Disorderly) Life by Suzanne Beecher, and when you purchase it, request a free autographed bookplate, by visiting:
Join my email book club. Over 350,000 people read 5-minutes a day. To see what books I'm featuring this week, go to:
Dear Reader,
A few bookclub housekeeping reminders today:
1. Keep the book club fun. Read guilt-free. If a book isn't a good match for you, simply hit the delete key. Every Monday I feature a new title.
2. If you'd like to exchange comments with other readers about this week's book, visit our Reader Forum at:
3. If you have a comment, book suggestion, or need assistance, send me an email. I always appreciate feedback from readers, so email me anytime.
4. If you're looking for a recipe that you saw at the book club you can visit to see all my recipes and even recipes from readers.
5. Remember, if you miss receiving one of your daily reads--or want to find one from a previous week--you can email me. I'm always happy to send the missing read to you. Or, you can get a copy of the read instantly, by going to:
6. Visit my website: You'll also find cooking videos, recipes from other readers, a Reading Group Guide and Author Q & A, request a signed bookplate, and if you belong to a meet-in-person book club, check out Book Club Goodies.
Thanks again for all your emails, prayers and support during this difficult time.
Have a great weekend, I'll talk to you on Monday.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]