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Dear Reader,
The cold Florida temperatures have been holding steady here in Sarasota, and I can appreciate the fact that my husband is concerned about Mama and Papa, the outdoor cats we've taken care of for the past four years. But this morning, when I got up and saw Mama and Papa bundled up in blankets, sleeping on a leather ottoman--the one that matches the chair in our living room--I decided it was time for an intervention.
"It was a middle of the night emergency!" my husband explained. "The ottoman was the only thing handy."
When it gets too cold outdoors for Florida kitties, my husband and I routinely set up a "room," on our side porch, so Mama and Papa can get out of the cold. A roadside motel of sorts, nothing fancy; a cardboard box with a few towels inside, but it's nice and clean and warm.
But clearly our kitty motel was renovated last night. Because when I woke up this morning, my side porch had been transformed into a fancy feline hotel, complete with room service. Feeling a little chilled at 3 a.m.? No need to pick up the phone, just meow loud enough to wake up my husband and he'll come running with hot water bottles. And since they're up (the cats) how about a snack in the wee hours of the morning? Sorry we don't have a hotel mini-bar set up yet, but not to worry. The Beecher Hotel kitchen is open 24/7. Turkey with cheese and gravy, or how about a can of shredded beef delight?
Yes, this morning, when I looked out the window there were two deliriously happy and content Florida kitties, covered in my fancy guest blankets, and sleeping on top of my leather ottoman. It's supposed to be cold again tonight--I hope they don't refer their friends.
To see a photo of the Beecher Four-Star Kitty Hotel, in case your kitty would like to book a room, go to:
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]