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February 28, 2008



That was a great answer to a very poignant question from Margy, Suzanne!

I've heard that keeping a journal is a very helpful stress reliever in times of emotional or personal upheaval, and I imagine that continuing to write an essay or novel or daily column, etc, would be just as helpful. The style of writing might change, but it's part of a healing process and can be edited later, if needed.

Joan Didion's book "The Year Of Magical Thinking" is a perfect example of writing through grief.

I'm looking forward to reading your book when it is published --congratulations!

Have a good day!


Carolyn Dowbiggin

Many thanks, Suzanne, for the inspirational words in your February 28th feedback to a fellow writer. I truly admire your willingness to take risks and share some very personal information with your readers. Whether it be about happiness, struggle, humour, sadness I always come away with something to think about. Your daily columns are an important part of my day. Admittedly, on a busy day I may have to postpone reading the book selection, but I always read what you have written for your readers.

Happy reading, Suzanne.
Carolyn Dowbiggin

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