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August 30, 2007



Yours is the sanest, most humane and heartwarming take on normal clutter I've heard in years.

We live in a small condo I bought when I was single. It was just right for one person with a whole lot of craft interests and a small dog with a few favorite toys. Then I got married. Now the place is floor to ceiling clutter. Mostly, I'm okay with it unless company is coming, but when I go through a couple of times a year and clean it to magazine layout perfection, my hub gets jittery and cranky and says it doesn't feel homey when it's so bare. I was telling a friend about this and she said, "I like coming to your house when you're in the middle of several projects at once. There's something about seeing all that stuff out that makes me think real life is going on."


You are a special treat. I love your perspective!


I keep your chapter-mails in a special mailbox and read them whenever I have time (which is not daily...) That's why I read this column only today. It describes perfectly how it looks in my home, I just never got the idea to refer to these things as "family photos". I LOVE that idea, and it's so true!!

Plus: Now I have the perfect 'excuse' whenever friends of mine - whose flats are almost spotless - come over and not everything is extremly tidy. Thank You!!

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