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August 20, 2007


Carolyn teasley

Family reunions have definite;y gone the way of ice cream socials, wiener roasts and family picnics. Our family just had the first family reunion in thirty years. At every funeral someone would always comment too bad the only time we see each other any more is at a family funeral. We now only had one member of the older generation left, my mom.
So a few of us decided it was now or never. We started off w/flyers handed out with my cousin's permission at his mother's funeral in January. We dedicated the family reunion to my passing aunt and my mom and reminded everyone we were becoming the "new" older generation. From there we preceeded to bombard other family members w/emails, phone calls w/updates in the planning, and letters. Through the hard work and dedication of my two cousins and myself, we held our first family reunion in thirty years.
We chose Herman Park because of all the memories we had going there as kids. My cousin Henry let me in on a tidbit of info about my Granny Wiggs. The reason she got us more rides than our parent was the Kiawanis train driver was her "boyfriend." The final reminder we sent everyone, a flyer w/all we plan to do: trainrides on the Kiawanis train, white elephant bingo, pig picking. One niece donated the services of a kareoke DJ.
Needless to say, everyone had a great time because for one reason we picked late April before the summer heat got here. We all took a vote and now agree to have a family reunion every year around the same time!

Nancy M.

Mother is one of ten siblings (8 of 10 still alive, all in late 70's to late 80's) Family reunions every five years, in Omaha, NE where their lives began. First reunion in 1986 - average attendance: 250+. Chaotic, wild, crazy fun - you could join us...no one would know.

Father is one of 7 boys (only 2 of 7 still alive, one age 82 and one 80 yrs) - Just returned last week from one I personally organized - won't make that mistake twice!! Reunions every 4 years, 4 days & 3 nights in different parts of the country. Average attendance: 70+. Just outside of Zion this year - an awesome time!! Yeah, I'd do it again - but never, ever tell anyone!

Best part: Learning every family has their "stuff" to deal with

Worst part: Learning what every family's "stuff" actually is....

Try it, you'll like it.

P.S. Can I pass on some or your "wrangling/roping them in" tips to our next "organizer?" You might get a free ticket or one of my old books??

Nancy M.

Mother is one of ten siblings (8 of 10 still alive, all in late 70's to late 80's) Family reunions every five years, in Omaha, NE where their lives began. First reunion in 1986 - average attendance: 250+. Chaotic, wild, crazy fun - you could join us...no one would know.

Father is one of 7 boys (only 2 of 7 still alive, one age 82 and one 80 yrs) - Just returned last week from one I personally organized - won't make that mistake twice!! Reunions every 4 years, 4 days & 3 nights in different parts of the country. Average attendance: 70+. Just outside of Zion this year - an awesome time!! Yeah, I'd do it again - but never, ever tell anyone!

Best part: Learning every family has their "stuff" to deal with

Worst part: Learning what every family's "stuff" actually is....

Try it, you'll like it.

P.S. Can I pass on some or your "wrangling/roping them in" tips to our next "organizer?" You might get a free ticket or one of my old books??

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