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Dear Reader,
I'm adding a new project to my daily schedule. It's a bit of a challenge, but it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. I thrive on new challenges, but this one--it's been slow going.
When friends ask how the new project is coming along, my standard reply is, "I've been so busy, that I really haven't had time to dig in yet." And to make sure that I've convinced them and 'me' that 'not enough time' is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I always add, "But I've worked on it, and I know I can do it. In fact, I'm excited about it. But well, you know, there's never enough time."
Not enough time could be the real reason on a few occasions, but right now, it's just an excuse--plain and simple. Because when I'm determined to do something even though I'm busy, if it's important, I find the time. So what's going on?
The real truth is for some reason, I think I'm afraid. Even though I feel confident that eventually I'll succeed, right now I'm shaking in my high heels. None of this makes any sense because whenever I do make the time to work on my new project, I feel great. But most of the time I sideswipe my desire with a different "to-do" list. One that's familiar and comfortable and I'm back to my usual routine--no time to try anything new.
It's scary to try new things, but you can do it, Suzanne. So let's try this again, "I've added a new project to my daily schedule. It's a bit of a challenge, but I know it's going to turn out mighty fine."
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
P.S. Don't miss our book giveaway this week. David Morrell sent me 25 hardcover copies of his book Creepers. He also included 25 copies of his book, Lessons From a Lifetime of Writing: A Novelist Looks at His Craft. To start reading Creepers and get information on how to enter the book giveaway go to:
READ THE CLASSICS: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, and enter the free Penguin Classic's Drawing. Go to:
I look as forward to your postings as much as I do the chapters. Almost all the time you say something that hits home. I just want to know one thing - how can you bake and stay so skinny?
One of your many friends,
Kathryn - Michigan
Posted by: Kathryn Genter | September 27, 2006 at 08:04 AM