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Dear Reader,
Suzanne's on holiday, so today we're running "The Best Of."
Every year, same time, same thing. I go through my closet and dresser drawers evaluating, sifting and sorting, deciding what to keep and what to donate or toss.
Looking it over, does it pass my test? Does it look like it belongs in another century? Did I wear it even once last year? And if I did, did I wear it the entire day? It's that last qualifier that's the biggest deal breaker.
I put a pair of pants on the other day; looked in the mirror, and wondered, "Where have these pants been all of my life? Why don't I wear them more often?" But about an hour and 15 minutes later, I vividly remembered why these pants have been sitting in my drawer for the past year.
The last time I had a conversation with these pants, I was in the middle of a two and a half hour flight to Manhattan. I'm sure my seat mate thought that I was afraid to fly--the way I was twisting and turning and bending over in my seat, gasping for air. But really, I was afraid that I was going to have to rip my pants off right there in the aisle. Because no matter how still I sat in my seat, my pants kept inching up higher, tighter and tighter. I was in the grip of a "blue jean" boa constrictor, who knew it was only a matter of time before its prey would succumb.
These pants look brand new--well they are--I've only worn them a total of 3 hours and 45 minutes. I can't bring myself to toss them, so instead I'll donate them, with a disclaimer--"These pants will make you look 'hot', but only for one hour and 15 minutes. Good luck!"
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Warmest Holiday Wishes,
Suzanne Beecher
[email protected]
P.S. To see if you were one of the sixty winners in our Holiday Book Giveaway, Go to: