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December 22, 2004


TJ Weeks


I was studying for a test today at work, listening to one of my favorite musical artists on my company-provided iPAQ, and read your Dear Reader column about singing out loud. It struck a chord with me. In a single beat, several decades flashed through my thoughts and I recognized how long it's been since I let myself go with abandon in such a small way. Therefore, I dove in and sang along, quietly at first, then more fluidly and naturally. Funny how it comes back.

This has also made me more determined to pick up guitar lessons again. It's been since 197- that I last attempted to play. I've been giving it more thought and have decided to purchase a good Ovation early this next year and learn to play again. That way, when I want to 'belt out a tune' I'll have some accompaniment!

God bless you abundantly during the holidays and in the coming years,
TJ ?:-]

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