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November 24, 2004



Not only are you funny but so are some of your readers too.I have a million 'Bugs in the grits' stories But enjoyed yours and the reader's better. thanks for giving me the
chance to read with you, it's fun. Ron in Sunny Italy


another thing that seems to work for me is to lay a stick of spearmint gum on the counter in different places. It does attract the criters so you can kill them.



I lived in Florida for seven years. After trying to combat the insects with all manner and pestisides and sprays I finally gave up after the ants ate their way throught the plastic to get to my roman noodles. After that I put all manner of carbohydrate in the fridge. This includes flour, sugar anything that might seem tasty. This kept my food safe but now that I've moved back to the midwest I get weird looks whenever people open my fridge.
Thanks for sharing.


My husband and I have experienced the itty-bitty grits monsters on three occasions... all three times we bought grits. The most recent encounter also involved a rather large larval stage of bug that may or may not have been related to the wheevils. It was white and wormy and almost a quarter of an inch long. The grits were congealing among silken strands which we assumed were from the larval worms. I can handle the occasional grits bug, but a worm the same color of the grits is more than I care to endure during breakfast. There's no hope of noticing them once the grits are cooked.

Charles  Haney

I looked up your website to learn about the evil weevil, that lurks in the pantry. One
lady told me to sprinkle bay leaves in my cabinet, everybody wants to have weevil popsicles. Just freeze your flour or meal. I don't have that much room, in the small freezer on the top of my refrigerator. If I
store my flour or meal in air proof containers, will this work?

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