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Dear Reader,
"One of the first things every journalist learns to include in their story," my Freshman English teacher used to preach, "is the list of the 'Five Ws and an H': who, what, when, where, why, and how."
Frankly, the first time I heard her lecture I was amazed that such things even needed to be taught. Doesn't everyone walk around wondering about these things? I did. My teacher claimed it was a gift. I, on the other hand, find it very annoying at times.
Who, what, when, where, why and how (only my "how" as always been, "How much did it cost?"). These are the questions I ask myself about the things I see every day.
Everything I look at calls for a new set of answers. There's a new Mexican restaurant on the corner of Orange Avenue. What happened to the old doughnut shop that used to be there? Who owns the restaurant that's taken its place? What makes someone think that this is a good spot for a restaurant?
Even trying to relax and get lost in a television show gets complicated because I'm always wondering. The other night I was watching a "Law and Order" episode. Lenny Briscol, one of the detectives on the show, gave a bum on the corner a five-dollar bill, in exchange for some information about a possible criminal suspect.
Now here's the thing, who really pays for that? Does it come out of Lenny's pocket? Does he just pick up the tab figuring if he breaks more cases he'll get promoted? That could add up to a lot of money--$5.00 a day, 20 working days in a month--that's $100.00 bucks, that's $1,200 a year. He better get some raise with that promotion!
I know, I know. It's just a show. I should be able to let these things go. But I can't seem to turn it off. If Lenny has to turn in these $5.00 bribes, on his expense report, how does he get a receipt? Certainly the bum isn't going to sign one. How do the Lennys of the world get reimbursed? I need to know.
I think my Freshman High School English teacher ruined me for life.
Thanks for reading with me. It's so good to read with friends.
Suzanne Beecher [email protected]
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